Writetoknow - love that name!
I believe the parallels between physical stoning and shunning as a result of df'g are similar and striking.
The mob mentality is easy to get caught up in. For a conscience, there is safety in numbers.
However, making a personal decision to treat another as dead - by choice or org. enforced - is still YOU killing that person in your mind.
If you need the bible to back up this "killing" for you - what do you do with a book that also quotes the opposite? Do you still worship every word as if from god? Shut off the brain and do as your told? Close off your heart and follow the masses? Let fear (read selfishness) push you to cause emotional harm on another. - I say selfishness because to go against the directives of the shunning policy puts yourself in jeopardy.
Disfellowshipping is a company rule - sure go ahead decide your membership, but shunning is a different game. It is cruel, humiliating, judgemental, and emotional blackmail - that kills the spirit - on both sides.
The story of the stoning of soraya is very powerful. I wish every shunner would watch this.
I hate shunning - can you tell?
my 2ยข / wp